What Does Eye of the Beholder Mean?

Eye of the Beholder Meaning

Definition: Everyone views the world in a different way.

The proverb eye of the beholder means that everyone has a different way of looking at the world. It does not refer to literal sight, but rather one’s worldviews and opinions.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is the more popular extended version of this expression. It means that people have different opinions about what beauty is and what makes something beautiful. One person may think something or someone is beautiful, while someone else finds it ugly or unattractive.

Origin of Eye of the Beholder

While this expression has existed in various forms for hundreds of years, Margaret Wolfe Hungerford coined the formation that we commonly see today in her 1878 novel Molly Bawn:

It’s true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I haven’t found any of Mary’s boyfriends attractive, which is a good thing I guess!

Others have expressed similar ideas, including Confucius, Benjamin Franklin, and David Hume.

Examples of Eye of the Beholder

Eye of the beholder is seldom used in expressions other than beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, this is not always the case.

In this sample conversation, Jennifer and Maureen are having lunch. When Jennifer sees an attractive man walk past, she comments on his appearance to Maureen. Upon seeing the man, Mauren says beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Jennifer: Oh, wow. Did you see that guy who just walked past us? He’s cute!

Maureen: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. He doesn’t…

Jennifer: What? You really don’t think heWhat Does Eye of the Beholder Mean?’s attractive?

Maureen: Not really. Maybe he’s not my type.

More Examples

“So that night was the opposite of fun, whatever word that is. Of course, fun is in the eye of the beholder anyway.” – NY Post

“Now keep in mind: Just as with the Brad Gagnon Incident, national power rankings at this stage of the season are extremely difficult to do. Power is in the eye of the beholder…” – USA Today


The English expression eye of the beholder refers to worldviews and opinions, which vary from person to person. English speakers commonly use in the proverb beauty is in the eye of the beholder.